Friday, September 30, 2005

These are a few of my favorite things...

...the view of the Boston skyline from the Red Line crossing the Longfellow Bridge with sailboats all over the Charles on the way home from work...a great dance with a Lindy Hopper I've just met...almonds and craisins...a good book and a comfy perch in a park...Halloween costumes...Will & Grace...Seasons of Love...cold winters...homemade knit sweaters...Swedish George Foreman grill...a Wendy's Frosty...lazy Twins games at the Minneapolis metrodome...cereal and milk in the morning...lake country in northern Minnesota...pop, not soda...e-mails from friends I haven't heard from in awhile...people watching in downtown Boston...Shakespeare's Hamlet...Sketcher's grandma's buttermilk pancakes...late night MadLibs sessions with my brother...the Ultimate Lindy Hop Showdown...the fresh feeling you get after flossing...weight-lifting...jumping in deep puddles after a rainstorm...talking to prospies about Carleton (my alma mater)...the call of loons near my grandparents' lake iPod...Snood...the Shane Company Jewelers commercial...dooing the dishes...a good laugh about nothing in particular...

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